How to make a secure and strong password

How to make a secure and strong password ?

Now secure and strong password using is very important for every one. If you use e-mail, Online banking services, Debit card - Credit card payment, Or any other online service, you must know that how to make a strong and secure password.

Some guideline is following :-

1. Always use minimum one alphabet(i.e. - a,,b,c,d,e,f.......etc), minimum one numeric (i.e. -1,2,3,4,5.................etc), minimum one special character(i.e. - /?%$#@!()*&^+=\|":?.,><   etc), min. one uppercase letter, min. one lower case letter.

Example :- Johnson#007, John@1234, Bobby>>321    etc are the three examples.

 This password is uses combination of alphabets, numeric, Special character, Uppercase letter, Lower case letter. So it is very secure.

This is very strong password.

If you use very confidential things, then use this type of password.

If any query about password, you can ask me on e-mail. Mail us and we will try our best support.

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Sorry for poor english