About Microsoft corporation

                                       MICROSOFT corporation  

Founder of Microsoft corporation is Bill Gates.

 No.1 reach person in the world is still Bill Gates.

 Microsoft first operation system is MS-DOS.

( Over all first operating system is Unix)

Introduction of M/S Dos :

MS-Dos operating system with a command like interface (CLI).
That it use to control many internal computer function, such as runing pronouns as organising and maintaining files. MS-Dos each 16 bit operating system, which one job at a time.

There are two configuration files in Dos -
i. config.sys
ii. auto exec.bat

Hidden file -
i. ms dos .sys
ii. command.com
iii. io.sys

There are two types of command :-

i. Internal command (i.e. - md,cd,ren,rd,del,edit etc)
ii. External command (i.e. - chkdsk, format, fdisk, scan disk etc)


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 Sorry for bad english 

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