Post Office exam questions & Answer

Post office Question & Answer related to computer :-

1. What is the shortcut key to save the file ?
Ans. Ctrl + S
2. USB stand for ........................
Ans. Universal Serial Bus
3. 1 KB is equal to .............. Byte.
Ans. 1024
4. Shortcut key to find any word in any document is.............
Ans. Ctrl + F

5. PDF stand for .........................
Ans. Portable document Format
6. Shortcut key to Cut any item is ....................
Ans. Ctrl + X
7. Windows Xp is an operating system (T/F)
Ans. T
8. ROM stand for ..........................
Ans. Read Only Memory
9. Shortcut key to replace any word is.....................
Ans. Ctrl + H
10. 1 MB is equal to approximate ................ KB
a.100     b. 1000     c. 10000     d. 100000
Ans. b 1000
11. is a website. (T/F)
Ans. F
12. CRT stand for .......................
Ans. Cathode Ray Tube
13. Motherboard is an internal hardware component. (T/F)
Ans. T
14. Photoshop is an application software. (T/F)
Ans. T
15. WWW stand for..................
Ans. World Wide Web

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