Differents between Windows 7 and Windows Xp

Differents between Windows 7 and Windows Xp  are :

                         Windows 7                        Windows Xp

i. Shutdown and start up is very        i. Not faster than 7    
   faster than xp.
ii. It provides maximum security       ii. In xp , that features are 
    features available.                                not available. 
iii. Require serial key for activation.  iii. Not require any serial 
                                                                     keys for activation.
iv. Internet speed running very fast.   iv. Internet speed slower 
                                                                    than windows 7.
v. More hard disk capacity require.     v. Very low capacity uses.
vi. Require maximum RAM                 vi. Very low memory use
vii. Processor minimum speed              vii. Processor minimum 
      requirement is 1ghz.                             speed require 233 mhz

thnaks for watching
sorry for bad english

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