What is file system ?

File System :

@ A file system determines the method used by the computer for storing and organizing data in a particular volume ( i.e. - C: , D: , E: , F: etc )

@ FAT (File Allocation Table) :- FAT file system does not support a partition that exceed 4 GB.

@ FAT 32 :- FAT file system deos not support a partition that exceed 32 GB.

@ NTFS ( New Technology File System ) : - NTFS support all the basic features of FAT 32 and FAT file system including support for larger partition.

Advantages of NTFS :-

@ NTFS permissions for securing files.
@ File encryption support.
@ Ability to recover from file system errors.
@ Support for large volume.
@ Expandability of exiting volumes.
Optimized storage of small files.


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