How to create e-mail account ?

Step by Step creating e-mail account :-

Suppose we are create E-mail account at Gmail.

Remember, Gmail is a part of Google. You can see it at google searching page on top of the page in right side.

You have to register in any E-mail service provider (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, , Rediff mail etc)

We are creating here in Gmail service provider.

It is the part of google, so it is very popular for everyone.

You can create account very easy. Don't require any experience. 

lets know how to create gmail account :-

1. First open your google page.
2. Click in Gmail. Which is available in top of the right side in google page.
3. Then click in sign up or create account.
4. After clicking create account, you can see a page look like a form.
5. Fill up this form and give details  i.e. - Name, User name, Password, Date of birth, Contact  
    no., Sex,  and etc.
6. Then click check box of I agree term condition ...................
7. Click on term and condition button.
8. Now google sent a security code to your contact no.(Phone)
9. Type that code in your screen.
10. Then click on verify button.
11. Now successful created your gmail account.

Note : Secure your E-mail Id and password. Don,t share this password to anyone.

Thanks for watching............     

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