What is e-mail ?

What is E-mail ?

E-mail stand for Electronic mail. You can send any information, images or documents using mail over the internet. You can send e-mail every where in the world. And mail will be send successfully in  a few second. Email require many important place.

E-mail service provider  :

If you want to use e-mail service, you must registering in e-mail service provider. Example - Gmail, Yahoo, Hot mail, Rediff mail, sify etc are the e-mail service provider. You have to registering any one service provider. You can registering without any payment. It is free.

After registering you can use the facility of e-mail.

Note : Don't share your e-mail log in password anyone. You can share your e-mail id to your friend or any relative if you want using mail with their.

 Example of e-mail id after creation : hictjsr@gmail.com (if using gmail service provider)


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Sorry for poor english

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