Now a time very popular shopping is online shopping. Every youth, every person use many kinds of shopping site. They shopping online from home. And order deliver within a week or some few days. Ever item every things you can get shopping sites. It is very craze in youth.

How to search any product :

If you want to shopping any things then you have to search first. If you don't know how to search then  i will tell you how to search? So, don't worry. I will tell you to day every thing about shopping.

Step by step is following

1. First open google searching engine or other searching engine.
2. Then go to home page of shopping sites. (It is available in first line of the searching page or second line or third line. any one line you can get it)
3. Now in home page, look searching option which is available in top of the home page. (This is applicable for all types of shopping sites)
4. In search box type your product what you want to get.
5. Then many product is shown in your desktop screen related to your product.
6. Now choose your product and click there.
7. Now read product details carefully and select your appropriate option. (Like product size, color etc)
8. All policy read carefully and return policy also.
9. Now click in Buy Now option.
10. Then coming Sign in option. (If you are not a registered user then you have to register or sign up  first then click sign in )
11. Now in next page give your delivery address where deliver your product.
12. Always deliver address give with nearest popular place (like club name, field name , shop name, home name or number, etc)
13. Then in next page shown the payment option.
14. Select your payment option. Following may be available in payment options :-
   a) Internet Banking
   b) Credit Card
   c)  Debit Card
   d) Wallet
   e) Cash on delivery


15. Select your appropriate option. Then proceed.
16. Now your process is completed successfully.

Note : If you payment with Credit Card , Debit card , Internet Banking or wallet option, then carefully proceed the process .

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