Almost same process with pay from debit card or credit card. Basic different is that, debit card is real money wallet means, if you have no money in your bank account, then you can not proceeding any payment. But in credit card time, we can payment .
Payment process is below :-
1. First in payment gateway, select credit card option.
2. Then enter your card details.
3. Select your card types.
4. Type your credit card 16 digit number.
5. Type valid thru date.
6. Type Card holder name.
7. Type CVV number.
8. Then click to proceed button.
9. Now OTP send your registered mobile number.
10. Give this OTP number.
11, Then click proceed button.
12. Now your payment is successfully done.
Note : Don't share your OTP withanyone, and don't share your card number , valid thru , card CVV number etc details. It all are highly confidential.
Almost same process with pay from debit card or credit card. Basic different is that, debit card is real money wallet means, if you have no money in your bank account, then you can not proceeding any payment. But in credit card time, we can payment .
Payment process is below :-
1. First in payment gateway, select credit card option.
2. Then enter your card details.
3. Select your card types.
4. Type your credit card 16 digit number.
5. Type valid thru date.
6. Type Card holder name.
7. Type CVV number.
8. Then click to proceed button.
9. Now OTP send your registered mobile number.
10. Give this OTP number.
11, Then click proceed button.
12. Now your payment is successfully done.
Note : Don't share your OTP withanyone, and don't share your card number , valid thru , card CVV number etc details. It all are highly confidential.
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