Credit card is a payment facility for people and it issue from bank or agency. Credit card have a two factor (advantage and dis advantage). If you know the best use, so it is good for you. Otherwise it is loss for you. Because if your bank account have no money still you shopping any things . And bank charge your with interest later.
Where get this facility :
Get this facility in your bank branch where your account is already have. This is the right choice. Otherwise another options also available but bank option is better choice.
# First go to your nearest bank branch. And ask for credit card facility.
# Get form from there and fill up the form.
# After few days, you get Credit card from the post man or your bank branch as your choice.
# Now you can use it.
Where you can use it :
You can use this card many places such as shopping mall for shopping anything. Online shopping , online insurance policy payment, and almost all types of payment which is pay through online.
Advantage of credit card :
Advantage of credit card is that , if your bank account balance is zero still you can payment any thing. Suppose you visit a shopping mall and you attract to take a mobile phone and you have no money. At this time this card is boon for you.
Disadvantage of credit card :
Suppose you have no money in your bank account still you can shopping anything. Later you have to pay the bank all money with interest . Interest extra money is loss for you.
Note : Do not share with any one credit card number , valid date, CVV no, password etc. It is a highly confidential.
Credit card is a payment facility for people and it issue from bank or agency. Credit card have a two factor (advantage and dis advantage). If you know the best use, so it is good for you. Otherwise it is loss for you. Because if your bank account have no money still you shopping any things . And bank charge your with interest later.
Where get this facility :
Get this facility in your bank branch where your account is already have. This is the right choice. Otherwise another options also available but bank option is better choice.
# First go to your nearest bank branch. And ask for credit card facility.
# Get form from there and fill up the form.
# After few days, you get Credit card from the post man or your bank branch as your choice.
# Now you can use it.
Where you can use it :
You can use this card many places such as shopping mall for shopping anything. Online shopping , online insurance policy payment, and almost all types of payment which is pay through online.
Advantage of credit card :
Advantage of credit card is that , if your bank account balance is zero still you can payment any thing. Suppose you visit a shopping mall and you attract to take a mobile phone and you have no money. At this time this card is boon for you.
Disadvantage of credit card :
Suppose you have no money in your bank account still you can shopping anything. Later you have to pay the bank all money with interest . Interest extra money is loss for you.
Note : Do not share with any one credit card number , valid date, CVV no, password etc. It is a highly confidential.
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