Different between dual core and core 2 duo microprocessor

Point to Point :- 

Sl. No.    Specification          Dual core           Core 2 duo

1.                   Architecture                            Older                                 Newer than dual core

2.                   Clock Speed                             Up to 2.33 Ghz                 Up to 3.33 Ghz

3.                   Cache Memory                        Up to 2 MB                       Up to 6 MB

4.                   FSB (Front side bus)               667 Mhz                            1333 Mhz

5.                   Thermal Cooling                      Good                                 Better

6.                   Socket                                        LGA 775                           LGA 775

7.                   Memory (RAM)                        Up to 4 GB                        Up to 4 GB                                           

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What is Microprocessor ?

Microprocessor :

1. The Microprocessor or Processor or CPU are one thing.
2. CPU is the brain of computer.
3. The program which is to be executed , is stored in the main memory.
4. The CPU also read data from the memory , which are required for instruction execution.

CPU organization :  
@ ALU  - It stand for Arithmetic logic Unit
@ The function of arithmetic and logic unit is to perform arithmetic and logic operations.
@ ALU performs the following operations :-

i. Addition / substraction / multiplication / Division
ii. Logical AND
iii. Logical OR
iv. Logical exclusive OR
v. Complement (Logical NOT)
vi. Increment / Decrement
vii. Right and Left shift
viii. clear


2. CU ( Control Unit ) :-

@ The CU controls the entire operation of the computer.
@ It also controls all other devices such as Memory, Input / Output devices connected to the CPU.
@ It controls the data flow between CPU.

3. Registers :-

@ A CPU containds a number of registers to store data temporarily during the execution of a program.

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Types of computer

How many types of computer available ?

There are four types of computer according to physical size and its work.

Micro computer :

1. It is a digital computer that works on  a microprocessor. 
    Used in homes and offices.
2. Performs take such as word processing , desktop publishing ,      and accounting.
3. Example - Desktop, Laptop, Pumptop etc.

@ Advantage :- Small size, Low cost, Portability
@ Disadvantage :- Low processing speed than other       computer.

Mini computer :

1. Known as the mid-range server.
2. Medium size multiprocessing and multi user computer.
3. Used by small sized companies.

@ Advantage :- Can process multiple user. lower cost than
@ Disadvantage :- Large and bulky

Mainframe :

1. Known as enterprise servers.
2. Occupies entire rooms or floors.
3. Used for centralized computing.
4. Serve distributed users and small servers in a computing network.

@ Advantage :- Supports many users and instructions.
                            Large memory support.
@ Disadvantage :- Hug size and expensive.

Super computer : 

1. It is very fastest and expensive.
2. Used by applications for Molecular chemistry, Nuclear research,   Weather reports and advance physics.
3. Consist of several computer that work in parallel as a single system.

@ Advantage : - Very fast and speed processing.
@ Disadvantage :- Generate a large amount of heat during operation. And very very costly.

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Fundamental of pc

Fundamental of a personal computer :

Hardware :  It is a physical component of the computer system that can be physical touch and see it.

Function of a pc : 

@ Accept data input  from user (input)
@ Store data (Storage)
@ Process the input using instructions (Processing )
@ Displays process data an output devices (Outputing Display)

Level of computer system :

System Software       
Application Software

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How to set password in user account

Setting a log on password :

# It acts as a difensive mechanism against unauthorized access to your files and folders.
# Guideline to create a secure password.
# User at least 8 (eight) characters.
# Use a mixture of numbers, punctuations, special characters, upper case letter, lower case letters.
# Avoid using your name or user name.
# Use random sequences instead of straight words or inter spere numbers and punctuation between words.

Recovery from a lost password :

# Use when you may not remember your password.
# Tools for password recovery :

   * Password hint
   * Password reset disk


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How to use user account ?

Working with user account :

Establish arelation between a user and a computer , network or an information service.
Consist of user name password.
provides Windows with the information about a particular user and the files and folders that can be accessed by that user.
Allow the user to make the appropriat changes to suit their personal preferences.

Types of user accounts :

Standard Accounts : - It is required and used for every day computing expirience.

Administrator Accounts : - Member of the administrators group are classified as administrator accounts.

Guest Accounts : - It is used and created for user who need temporary access to the computer or network of computers.

Note : Administrator accounts is a main account of the computer.

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New features of Windows 10

New features of Windows 10 are following :-

# Easy organization of data :
   Enables to transfer data easyly from one computer to another. Windows instant search list     
     the found files or folders on the entered search string. Images and videos can be easily 
     organized using the windows photo galary.

# Entertainment is very good than previus os
# Better communication
# Improved sefty (Security) than the xp, 7, and 8 os :

   Internet explorer integrated with improved dynamic security protection and anti- phishing 
     technology. Parental controls features allows to restrict unwanted data and site. The 
     windows mail enables improved and secure managing of e-mails. 

# Efficient for small business :
   Simple to manage, share and used file and folders. The non-click windows fax and scan 
     features for sending and receiving faxes , scanning documents. Contain a guided tour of the
      windows to manage and use the computer.  

# Inbuild Internet explorer is very fastest 

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How to Formating the disk

Formatting Disk :-

# A disk added to the computer for the first time has to be formatted before it can be used.

# A volume containing data can also be formatted  to erase all its contents.

# The system volume and the volumes that are currently in use can not be formated.

# Disks , volumes , and partitions are formatted using the disk management utility.

 For safe file formatting use following command :-

# C:\ > convert G: /fs:ntfs (then enter)
Note : fs = file system
           you can use it in dos 

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What is file system ?

File System :

@ A file system determines the method used by the computer for storing and organizing data in a particular volume ( i.e. - C: , D: , E: , F: etc )

@ FAT (File Allocation Table) :- FAT file system does not support a partition that exceed 4 GB.

@ FAT 32 :- FAT file system deos not support a partition that exceed 32 GB.

@ NTFS ( New Technology File System ) : - NTFS support all the basic features of FAT 32 and FAT file system including support for larger partition.

Advantages of NTFS :-

@ NTFS permissions for securing files.
@ File encryption support.
@ Ability to recover from file system errors.
@ Support for large volume.
@ Expandability of exiting volumes.
Optimized storage of small files.


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Differents between Windows 7 and Windows Xp

Differents between Windows 7 and Windows Xp  are :

                         Windows 7                        Windows Xp

i. Shutdown and start up is very        i. Not faster than 7    
   faster than xp.
ii. It provides maximum security       ii. In xp , that features are 
    features available.                                not available. 
iii. Require serial key for activation.  iii. Not require any serial 
                                                                     keys for activation.
iv. Internet speed running very fast.   iv. Internet speed slower 
                                                                    than windows 7.
v. More hard disk capacity require.     v. Very low capacity uses.
vi. Require maximum RAM                 vi. Very low memory use
vii. Processor minimum speed              vii. Processor minimum 
      requirement is 1ghz.                             speed require 233 mhz

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Windows XP and Windows 7

Windows Xp provides two editions :-

1. Windows Xp  home edition
2. Windows Xp professional edition

What is the minimum hardware requirements for windows xp home edition and windows xp professional edition are :

CPU (Processor)  : 233 mhz / Intel Pentium II of AMD
RAM  (Memory)  : 64 MB  although 128 MB or more
Hard Disk Drive   : 1.5 GB to 2 GB of free space
Display                  : Monitor capable of 800x600 resolutions
Floppy Disk drive : 3.5 inch Fd (If does not boot from cd-rom)

Windows 7 has five editions :-

1.Windows 7 business edition
2. Windows 7 enterprise edition
3. Windows 7 home premium edition
4. Windows 7 ultimate edition
5. Windows 7 home basic edition

Minimum reqirement of Wndows 7 is :-

Processor   : 1 ghz
RAM          : 512 MB / but best is 1 GB or more
HDD           : 15 GB / 20 GB of free space

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About Microsoft corporation

                                       MICROSOFT corporation  

Founder of Microsoft corporation is Bill Gates.

 No.1 reach person in the world is still Bill Gates.

 Microsoft first operation system is MS-DOS.

( Over all first operating system is Unix)

Introduction of M/S Dos :

MS-Dos operating system with a command like interface (CLI).
That it use to control many internal computer function, such as runing pronouns as organising and maintaining files. MS-Dos each 16 bit operating system, which one job at a time.

There are two configuration files in Dos -
i. config.sys
ii. auto exec.bat

Hidden file -
i. ms dos .sys
ii. command.com
iii. io.sys

There are two types of command :-

i. Internal command (i.e. - md,cd,ren,rd,del,edit etc)
ii. External command (i.e. - chkdsk, format, fdisk, scan disk etc)


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What is operating system ?

              What is Operating system or System software ?

➽ All computers need basic software known as an operating system or system software. The operating system acts as an interface  between the user, application, hardware and system peripherales.

➽ The operating system is the first software to be loaded when a computer boots up. Application programs are loaded after the operating system.

Operating system can be of two types :-

1. Network Operating system
2. Client Operating system

1. Network OS some  Example :-
    a. Windows 2003 server
    b. Unix
    c. Linux
    d. Netware
    e. Windows server 2008 
2. Client OS some Example :-
    a. Ms-DOS
    b. Windows 2000 professional
    c. Windows 98
    d. Windows 95
    e. Windows XP
    f. Windows 7
    g. Windows 8
    h. Windows 10


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online computer exam preparation

1. Which of the following is odd one
a. MB        b. KB         c. GB          d. CB
Ans - d
2. 1 KB is equal to approximately ......................Byte.
a. 100        b. 1000        c. 100000         d.100000000
Ans . b
3. Windows 8 is a (an) ....................
a. OS           b. System Software          c. Operating System             d. All of these
Ans - d
4. .........................is not an internal hardware component.
a. Motherboard            b. RAM            c. LAN card          d. Mouse
Ans - d
5. Microsoft Corporation's first operating system is.......................
Ans - DOS
6. Notepad is a graphics based application. ( T/F)
Ans - F
7. MS-DOS stand for ........................
Ans - Microsoft Disk operating system.
8. Shortcut key to Hyperlink in Ms-Word is...................
Ans - Ctrl +K
9. LED stand for..................
Ans - Light Emitting Diode
10. Founder of Microsoft corporation is .............................
Ans - Bill Gates
11. Father of modern computer is .....................
Ans - Charles Babbage
12. In Dos , Ren command is used to..................
Ans - Rename a directory
13.  DOS is a (an) ...........................based operating system.
a. text based             b. graphics based             c. accounting             d. programming
Ans - a
14. Which internet speed is faster ?
a. 100kbps         b. 10 mbps          c. 1 gbps            d. 1000 Bytes per second
Ans - c
15. Google is ..............................
a. hardware               b. os                      c. Search Engine                     d. Application
Ans - c

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